Was Medical Negligence Responsible for an Educator’s Passing?

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Did you know that birthing a child used to be a life-threatening event? Mothers and babies could perish if there were complications, but modern medicine has progressed so far that many of these dangers have been eliminated. However, the slightest medical negligence could still prove fatal to either mother or child, so all parents need to know their options.

Did Medical Negligence Cause a New Jersey Educator’s Passing?

The birth of a child is a joyful event for most young couples. For a couple that lived in Elizabeth, New Jersey, that joy was going to be doubled since they were expecting twins. They arrived at the hospital on February 2nd and at around 6:30 p.m. they welcomed twin boys into the world. A short time later, their world was turned upside down.

The mother developed a frontal headache and her blood pressure was severely elevated. Soon she suffered a seizure and she was transported from Trinitas Regional Medical Center to St. Barnabas Medical Center to treat neurological injuries. The new mother slipped into a coma and never regained consciousness. She passed a few months later, on June 25th.

This father and his two sons must now carry on without the matriarch of their family. The mother was a vice principal at Elizabeth Public Schools who had taught at various schools around Elizabeth. She was a classical pianist and served on the board of trustees for Union County College.

How Was Medical Negligence a Factor in This Family’s Loss?

When she arrived at Trinitas, hospital staff failed to diagnose her hypertensive condition. The condition is common among pregnant women in their third trimester, and is treatable. Without that treatment, a new mother runs the risk of suffering a stroke. This is what the husband of this woman suspects happened to his wife. He is now taking that suspicion to court to weigh the evidence and find at least some justice in this tragedy.

When families suffer the wrongful death of a loved one, the shock can cause more than emotional damage. There can be financial and social consequences as well, which means the victim’s family will need help through their hardships ahead. Contacting a trial attorney can be a necessary step in that process, and families should never be afraid to reach out for help.
